Code of ethics for digital news websites

The Digital News Publishers Association has taken the initiative to establish a Code of Ethics for its members, demonstrating a strong commitment to responsible digital publishing. This code ensures adherence to legal and constitutional freedoms while vigilantly monitoring any potential developments that might impede the collection and dissemination of news and other content.

The primary objective of this Code is to set forth elevated standards, ethics, and practices within digital news publishing. It is important to note that this Code does not seek to interfere with the day-to-day operations of publishers, respecting their complete editorial and content independence.

Outlined below are the fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics:

Compliance with Laws: Digital news websites must operate within the framework of the law, encompassing the Constitution of India, media-related legislation, provisions of the IPC, CrPC, and the Information Technology Act, 2000, where applicable.

Adherence to Journalistic Norms: Upholding the highest standards of professional conduct and following accepted norms of journalistic ethics is crucial. This entails multiple layers of self-regulatory ethics and codes implemented by specific entities, along with stringent processes within newsrooms at the level of journalists and editors.

Accuracy, Transparency & Fairness: Members are obligated to refrain from publishing inaccurate, baseless, or distorted material. Mandatory pre-publication verification is essential, and defamation must be avoided while complying with relevant laws and regulations.

Right of Reply: News reports and articles should incorporate the comments or perspectives of individuals or parties mentioned in allegations. If a response is received later, it should be appropriately included. Updates requested by concerned individuals or parties regarding developments in news should be duly incorporated, with the publication date indicated.

Correction and Deletion: In cases where false or inaccurate information is identified in a news report or article and the concerned party provides correct information, the portion containing errors should be edited or deleted. If the entire report is inaccurate, the entire article should be removed.

Respect for Intellectual Property: Respecting copyright in text, images, and other content is imperative. Proper permissions must be obtained for copyrighted material, and due acknowledgment of moral and ownership rights is essential. In case of intellectual property infringement, necessary actions such as editing, deletion, or takedown should be taken upon receiving a request and verifying the documents.

Sensitive Reporting: Caution is advised while reporting on sensational matters and crimes to preserve the presumption of innocence. Speculation on evidence, individuals involved, or their conduct should be avoided, ensuring factual and unbiased reporting.

Special Reporting Care: Extra caution is required when reporting on sensitive topics like sexual harassment, child abuse, rape cases involving minors, matrimonial issues, riots, communal disputes, divorce and custody cases, adoption matters, etc. Compliance with relevant sections of the Information Technology Act, 2000, dealing with penalties for publishing obscene or explicit material is crucial.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Members acting as intermediaries under the Information Technology Act, 2000, must follow the outlined grievance redressal mechanism and are aware of their liabilities and protections. Compliance with the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011, including the appointment of a grievance officer, is essential.

Training and Awareness Programs: Conducting periodic training sessions for editorial staff on existing laws, including constitutional provisions and various media-related legislation, is essential. Additionally, emphasizing respect for privacy, avoiding victim identification, and exercising caution in reporting on sensitive matters like communal disputes are integral parts of these programs.

In essence, this Code of Ethics stands as a testament to the commitment of digital news publishers toward upholding the highest standards of journalism while respecting legal boundaries and societal sensitivities.